Archivel Farma is a biotech company focused on the development of innovative immunotherapeutic products.

Our facilities are engineered to manufacture small-customized clinical batches under GMPs.

RUTI® vaccine, our own project for fighting against Tuberculosis.

Mission & Values

Our mission is to guide you and your product from early stages of development to the first clinical phases.


We are committed to new approaches, capable of providing real solutions to develop of innovative drug products.


Archivel Farma is an organization that learns from experience and constantly adapts to a changing and challenging environment.


A team with the highest professional standards guarantees the quality of our services and the rigor of the results.


Our facilities are carefully engineered and uniquely built to support and enable early phase development for injectables and freeze dried products.


We are committed to take your product forwards to early clinical stages, providing agile and flexible and customized services.

Leadership team

Ever-growing team of highly qualified pharmacy, biology and biopharmaceutical experts to find smart solutions to the challenging area of innovate drug development.



Mercè Amat
Head of Research & Development
Leader of RUTI project


Mercè Amat has a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Barcelona. She has broad professional experience in the sectors of bioscience and pharmaceuticals. For more than nine years, she led biological projects in respiratory and arthritis areas in the Research Departments at Almirall and at Menarini before joining Archivel Farma as Head of R&D in 2008. Currently, the focus of her work is on the development of RUTI®, most notably in the improvement of the manufacturing process and the product characterization. She is also conducting research on the use of RUTI® beyond tuberculosis.

Joan Casanovas
Head of the Production
Leader of Services


Joan Casanovas holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology by the University of Barcelona. In recent years he has developed his professional career in London, working in the Cellular Therapy department at Great Ormond Street Hospital  and Gene Therapy at University College London (UCL). He was involved in the translation of Lymphocyte manufacture for immunotherapy clinical trials, from research to GMP standards. Joan joined Archivel’s team in October 2019 as Production Manager, with the goal of manufacturing RUTI® vaccine.

Janina Duch
Quality Control Manager


Janina Duch is a Technician in Analysis and Quality Control from the IES Narcís Monturiol in Barcelona. With a professional trajectory of more than 10 years of experience working in the pharmaceutical industry, and numerous specific training courses around Quality, she has worked in companies as Sandoz and Biofarm Biotechnology.

Marc Jordan
Technical Director and Quality Assurance Manager


Marc is a graduate in Pharmacy by the University of Barcelona and has a Master’s degree in pharmaceutical industry (CESIF). He started his professional career in Fleming S.A, dedicated to Medical Devices. Afterwards, he incorporated into the Audit and Quality Systems Department at Grifols S.A.; where he was able to work with Biological Medicines. In 2017, he joined Archivel Farma S.L. as a Quality Assurance Technician and, at this moment, occupies the charge of Head of Quality Assurance and Qualified Person.


Private Funding

Archivel Farma is a private company, founded in 2005, which has as main investors TGT Group and Archivel Technologies, and has a minority participation of Laboratorios Reig Jofré.


In its different stages of development, the company has received financial support from investment funds such as FonsInnocat (BcnHighGrowth); Agora Invest; Inversions Valor Afegit; and Etios Capital Invest. All of them exited Archivel Farma in 2011.

Public Funding

The company has also received public funds from CDTI (Center for the Development of Industrial Technology); ENISA (Empresa Nacional de Innovación, SA); the missing Genoma España Foundation, now FECYT; and ACCIÓ, Catalan Agency for Business Competitiveness, as well as European funds through H2020 Research and Innovation projects.



Archivel Farma co-develop Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) in a partnership with Reig Jofre Lab


Archivel Farma collaborates with COMSER Pharma in the development of freeze dried biological products as the manufacturer of clinical batches.

Archivel on the media

TV3, QuèQuiCom –2016

TV3, Trenta Minuts –2011


Archivel Farma TBL Day 2025

Tuberculosis Is A Global Emergency

“Yes! We Can End TB: Commit, Invest, Deliver” TB continues to cause immense human suffering…
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Archivel Farma - CDMO for Sterile Drugs for Clinical Studies
ArchivelPress release

Archivel Farma Expands Its Horizon: Launch of a New Business Line as a CDMO for Sterile Drugs for Clinical Studies

Badalona, October 3, 2024 – Archivel Farma, a biotechnology company focused on the development of…
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Significant efficacy of RUTI® vaccine in a non-clinical study of active tuberculosis

A recent non-clinical study has demonstrated the potential of the therapeutic vaccine RUTI® in treating…
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World TB Day

Today is #WorldTBDay, a day to raise awareness about the devastating impact of #tuberculosis –…
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EU Project

The STRITUVAD project has been completed

The STRITUVAD (In Silico TRIals for TUberculosis VAccine Development) project has been completed. It has…
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A new clinical trial, CONSTAN-ARG, will test the effectiveness of the #RUTI® vaccine

A new clinical trial, CONSTAN-ARG, will test the effectiveness of the #RUTI® vaccine to shorten treatment…
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ArchivelGeneralPress release

The STriTuVaD Consortium is proud to announce the recruitment of the First Patient in the STriTuVaD Clinical Trial of RUTI® Vaccine for Tuberculosis (TB)

The Spanish biotech company Archivel Farma has officially begun the clinical trial of its therapeutic…
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ArchivelPress releaseResearch

Archivel Farma’s RUTI® vaccine to start a clinical trial to increase the immunity of healthcare professionals exposed to the risk of COVID-19

The clinical trial will be carried out at the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital in…
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Extension of the authorization for the manufacture of medicines

As of 30th October 2019, Archivel Farma has obtained from the Spanish Health Authority the authorization…
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Archivel Farma at the annual TBVI meeting

On January 29, Archivel Farma, represented by its CEO, Olga Rúe, and Dr. Pere Joan…
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