We are committed to new approaches, capable of providing real solutions to develop of innovative drug products.
Archivel Farma is an organization that learns from experience and constantly adapts to a changing and challenging environment.
A team with the highest professional standards guarantees the quality of our services and the rigor of the results.
Our facilities are carefully engineered and uniquely built to support and enable early phase development for injectables and freeze dried products.
We are committed to take your product forwards to early clinical stages, providing agile and flexible and customized services.
Ever-growing team of highly qualified pharmacy, biology and biopharmaceutical experts to find smart solutions to the challenging area of innovate drug development.
Archivel Farma is a private company, founded in 2005, which has as main investors TGT Group and Archivel Technologies, and has a minority participation of Laboratorios Reig Jofré.
In its different stages of development, the company has received financial support from investment funds such as FonsInnocat (BcnHighGrowth); Agora Invest; Inversions Valor Afegit; and Etios Capital Invest. All of them exited Archivel Farma in 2011.
The company has also received public funds from CDTI (Center for the Development of Industrial Technology); ENISA (Empresa Nacional de Innovación, SA); the missing Genoma España Foundation, now FECYT; and ACCIÓ, Catalan Agency for Business Competitiveness, as well as European funds through H2020 Research and Innovation projects.
Archivel Farma collaborates with COMSER Pharma in the development of freeze dried biological products as the manufacturer of clinical batches.